Belinda Britton, Adelaide, Australia

I’m really quite upset tonight. I have Christian friends on FB gloating about the Trump victory; as though he were somehow God’s choice, and this is all part of God’s plan; as though anyone who supported Hillary over Trump is somehow a lesser or invalid Christian. Well, I’m a Christian, I preferred Hillary to Trump as the lesser of two evils – this was my judgement as a well-educated, intelligent, and I would hope compassionate, reasonable person. Can we please leave any allusion to Christianity out of this? As though I’ve missed God’s boat? In my opinion, racism, fear, sexism and hatred have won today. If that’s what Christianity is about, I don’t want in. I’m going to comfort myself and hold onto my faith in God by looking to the Old Testament, where continually God had to ‘deal’ with an Israel that strayed far from him, time and time again. America – it’s now your time to wander in the wilderness. I hope and pray that it doesn’t last 40 years. Peace and love to you all.

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